We value positive relationships with parents and carers to help develop better social and emotional skills in children. We know that when children are engaged with their learning, they attend school more regularly, leading to better long term outcomes.

For parenting and counselling services, visit the Family Support page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our school, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Oatley works as a community together to ensure the children receive the best possible education in a strong family atmosphere. Open, respectful, and positive communication is essential in nurturing this relationship.

The main school communication is through the school’s newsletter. This document is published fortnightly on Thursdays. The newsletter is sent through the Compass app with password-protected access. It contains information of interest to parents, a calendar of school events, information from the Parents and Friends Association (P&F), and parish activities.

The Compass Parent Portal allows parents to access relevant and up-to-date information about their child’s learning and attendance. These records will automatically move with their child as they progress with their education in Sydney Catholic Schools.

Getting to Know Your Child Interviews
Early in the school year, we schedule Getting to Know Your Child interviews, an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s class teacher and talk about their child. Parents are asked to complete a questionnaire on their child and bring it to the interview. This provides an opportunity for parents to talk about their observations of their child, as well as their interests and needs.

Curriculum Newsletters
Each term, teachers send home a curriculum newsletter to keep parents up to date with current learning, routines, and other useful information.

Parent/Teacher/Student Learning Conversations
Formal opportunities are provided at the end of Term 2 and Term 4 for parents, teachers, and students to discuss the student’s progress. However, parents are welcome to make arrangements to meet with teachers. If you wish to speak to the class teacher please arrange an appointment through the school secretary.

Informal Meetings
Parents are welcome to:

  • call the office and leave a message
  • email the office, who will then forward the email to staff
  • send a written note directly to the class teacher.

There may be some occasions when staff are available for a quick catch-up before and after school, but please remember that teachers have a duty of care to the children and do not have the opportunity for lengthy discussions at classroom doors, at assembly, or whilst lessons are being conducted.

Parents and Friends’ Association (P&F)
The St Joseph’s P&F recognises and values the role which parents and carers play in the education of their children. The P&F aims to strengthen the partnership between family, school, parish and the wider community for the benefit of their children’s overall development and learning. They provide many opportunities for families to gather in social settings to build community and share friendship.

2025 School Year
Term 1
Friday 31 January – Friday 11 April
Term 2
Monday 28 April – Friday 4 July
Term 3
Monday 21 July –  Friday 26 September
Term 4
Monday 13 October – Friday 19 December 2025
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.
2026 School Year
Term 1
Tuesday 27 January – Thursday 2 April
Term 2
Monday 20 April – Friday 3 July
Term 3
Monday 20 July –  Friday 25 September
Term 4
Monday 12 October – Thursday 17 December 2026
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.
2027 School Year
Term 1
Thursday 28 January – Friday 9 April
Term 2
Monday 26 April – Friday 2 July
Term 3
Monday 19 July –  Friday 24 September
Term 4
Monday 11 October – Monday 20 December 2027
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.